Leading media and tourism experts lined up for ‘Tourism in the Headlines’
September 05, 2011

Leading media and tourism experts lined up for ‘Tourism in the Headlines’

International tourism experts and leading media representatives, including from Newsweek, TIME Magazine, Google and the national tourism entities of Brazil, Columbia and Slovenia, will come together to discuss the positioning of tourism in the media as an economic, employment and development driver at ‘Tourism in the Headlines’, the 1st UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media, (12 – 13 September, Zagreb, Croatia).

The UNWTO event, organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism of Croatia, will address the growing need for tourism to be acknowledged, in mainstream media as much as in specialized travel outlets, as an economic and development tool for modern-day challenges. The conference will consider the case for tourism as a socio-economic instrument – facilitating jobs, economic growth and poverty alleviation opportunities – and provide practical debates on the most effective tools for reaching the headlines.

CNN International will act as the media partner for the event and their own Germany correspondent, Frederik Pleitgen, will deliver the keynote presentation ‘Tourism: Front Page News’, sharing with participants his unique insight as a well-respected and experienced reporter.

Other confirmed speakers include Michael Schuman of TIME Magazine, Sana Butler of Newsweek International, John Bell of the Guardian and Susana Reyero of Edelman. 

The event provides an outstanding global networking opportunity, with confirmed participants from over 30 countries worldwide with backgrounds ranging from National Tourism Authorities to social media specialists. The meeting also features the collaboration of the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET).

All information about the conference, including discounted accommodation options, is now available here and registration through the website is open.

Relevant links:

‘Tourism in the Headlines’ conference information

Conference registration

‘Tourism in the Headlines’ press release



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