Visit of H.E. Mr. Asset Issekeshev, Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 12 July 2012
July 20, 2012

Visit of H.E. Mr. Asset Issekeshev, Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 12 July 2012

The Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, H.E. Mr. Asset Issekeshev visited UNWTO headquarters on 12 of July 2012 accompanied by the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Spain Mr. Bakhyt Dyussenbayev and the delegation from the Ministry. At the meeting UNWTO was presented by Mr. Mr. Márcio Favilla L. de Paula, Executive Director, Competitiveness, External Relations and Partnerships, Ms. Isabel Garaña, Regional Director for Europe, Mr. Christopher Imbsen, Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Mr. Beka Jakeli, Officer of Regional Programme for Europe.

Mr. Favilla stressed the importance of the membership of Kazakhstan as one of the active Member's of the Organization. Nowadays, Kazakhstan is participating in all major Programmes of UNWTO. The Minister Issekeshev informed the representatives of the UNWTO on the current tourism development trends and ongoing big infrastructural projects particularly he highlighted a national tourism strategy and four resorts development plans. The Minister expressed a big interest to invite UNWTO to participate in the development process of the strategy. While making the presentations, Mr. Issekeshev was interested in the field of Technical Cooperation and Services, Silk Road Programme and Affiliate Members Programme.