December 04, 2013

Portugal´s tourism associations commit to UNWTO Global Code of Ethics

PR No.: PR13076

Seventeen of Portugal´s foremost tourism associations have signed the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, pledging to implement the ethical principles of the Code in their policies and operations. The signing took place coinciding with the 3rd UNWTO International Conference of Tourism and the Media (Estoril, Portugal, 2 December 2013).

UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, who witnessed the signing with the Secretary of State for Tourism of Portugal, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, said “It is encouraging to see this firm show of support and commitment from the Portuguese tourism associations to the principles of sustainability, which are fundamental during this stage of growth of Portugal´s tourism sector.”  

“We are extremely pleased to see the commitment of the Portuguese associations to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism particularly considering that this is a voluntary mechanism and that the initiative to pledge to these principles comes from the private sector” said Mesquita Nunes.  

The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is UNWTO’s core policy document that serves as a blueprint for the development of sustainable tourism. Adopted in 1999 by the UNWTO General Assembly and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2001, it is designed to guide the development of tourism in a way that maximizes the socio-economic benefits of the sector, while mitigating any negative impacts.

With this group of associations, up to date more than 200 tourism enterprises and associations spread over 29 countries across the world have pledged to promote and implement the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.

The signatory associations include: Association “Casas Brancas”, Association of Hotel Directors of Portugal, Association of Hoteliers, Restaurants and Beverage of Algarve, Association of Manor Houses,  Estoril Coast, Sintra, Mafra and Oeiras Hoteliers Regional Association, European Blue Flag Association, National Cruise Association, National Equestrian Tourism Association, Portuguese Association of Rural Tourism, Portuguese Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Tourism, Portuguese Hotel Association, Portuguese Termal Association, Portuguese Tourism Confederation, Association Route Vincentina, Portuguese Association of Conventions, Animation and Events Enterprises, Portuguese Association of Ports and Marinas, Portuguese Association of Resorts.


Useful links:

UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism



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