15th General Assembly of APPCED "Climate Change and Tourism"

05 - 08 June, 2011
Kuala Lumpur,my

From the 6th to the 9th of June, the Malaysian Parliament hosted the 15th General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians' Conference on Environment and Development (APPCED).
The conference, which was attended by 93 Parliamentarians from 21 countries, aimed to promote awareness and understanding of issues affecting the environment and development among parliamentarians of the Asia Pacific region.
The “Kuala Lumpur Declaration" was unanimously adopted by member countries at the end of the conference. It acknowledged that climate change and its impact on environmental, economic and socio-cultural well-being constitutes one of the most pressing challenges of our time. It also recognized that all countries will have to adapt to climatic change impacts already occurring and expected to increase in frequency and severity which require financing, technology transfer and capacity building. The Declaration will be submitted to the United Nations Secretary-General during the UN Conference of Parties on Climate Change in Switzerland, next year.

APPCED was founded in June 1993 by the Korean Parliamentary League on Children, Population and Environment (CEP) following the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The purpose of the inception was to organize meetings among member countries to seek joint measures against environmental concerns in the regions. Currently it has a membership of 46 countries.

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