38th UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary Session

38th UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary Session

30 September - 03 October, 2016
Yerevan ,am



Following the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, we are pleased to inform you that the Annual meeting of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary was held on 1- 4 October 2016 in Yerevan, Armenia

The Plenary session represents an opportunity for Affiliate Members to meet, discuss, share and interact around a variety of topics, serving as a dynamic space to generate ideas, discuss the latest trends of the sector and work together towards fostering public-private collaboration and promoting good practices in the sector.

This year's session was held in an innovative format as various social activities were organized before the working sessions, offering to the participants the possibility to explore the Armenian culture. Among others, participants had a unique chance to discover authentic gastronomy experience by attending the Armenia Wine festival, take a guided tour of Yerevan city or join the national celebration of the International Tourism Day.


Useful links

Press release: Armenia hosts the 38th Plenary Session of the UNWTO Affiliate Members
Pictures of the event
Programme booklet
Affiliate Members programme Action plan 2017