Call for Application - International Internship at Monitoring Centre for UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories (MCSTO)

Call for Application - International Internship at Monitoring Centre for UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories (MCSTO)

01 - 14 May, 2014

International Internship for Monitoring Centre for UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories, China (MCSTO)

The UNWTO Knowledge Network is pleased to inform that the Monitoring Centre for UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories (MCSTO) is currently providing two international intern positions to join their summer monitoring field work from 30 June 2014 for 5-week and 10-week duration.

The internships are open to students from the UNWTO Knowledge Network institutions, who have specialized in a field related to the work of UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories. Students from an institution holding UNWTO.TedQual Certificate are also welcome to apply. This Internships are offered with financial remuneration for supplementing living expenses during their stay in China.


Currently based in Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China, MCSTO is in charge of managing the 6 UNWTO Global Observatory of Sustainable Tourism in China, providing policy makers and tourism managers with a framework for regular gathering, analysis and communication of information related to tourism’s impacts on environmental, social and economic aspects in destinations.

Internship Responsabilities and Benefits

  • Participate in monitoring field work along with other students and experts selected by MCSTO
  • Participate in monitoring field work along with other students and experts selected by MCSTO
  • Complete field work according to MCSTO’s requirements (e.g. interviews, questionnaires, etc.)
  • All transportation, accommodation and board during the monitoring field work will be covered by MCSTO, while the transportation, accommodation and board in Guangzhou will be covered by the intern
  • 3,000 RMB as living expenses will be paid to the intern additionally by MCSTO to 5-week intern and 6,000 RMB will be paid to 10-week intern.

How to apply

Applicants should have a high level of english and chinese with analytical thinking; team working; good writing skills.

Please refer to the attached terms of reference for more details and send the requiered documentation to

The deadline for applying is 15 May 2014