Caribbean Tourism Organization State of the Industry Conference
Theme: Perfecting the Experience, Delivering Authenticity.
The CTO State of the Industry Conference is CTO’s annual convocation where Caribbean tourism practitioners, policy makers and strategic partners, at the highest levels, gather to discuss issues, identify solutions and generally develop courses of action that will benefit the tourism industry in the Caribbean.
Speakers of international acclaim will provide best case practices and winning strategies on a wide range of topics that are critical to the growth of regional tourism, all with a view toward the development of a sustainable tourism industry, that will position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year-round warm weather destination by 2017.
Youth from several CTO member countries will make their contributions to the discussions at a Youth Congress, one of the vehicles through which CTO encourages the best and brightest to consider tourism as a career.
This is a not to be missed event for serious Caribbean tourism leaders and influencers, thought leaders, educators and marketing and development strategists. The Caribbean Tourism Organization, therefore, invites all tourism stakeholders to participate in this year’s State of the Industry Conferences (SOTIC), contribute to the discussion and be a part of the solution.
Event Public Contact Person
Sylma Brown Bramble – sbrown@caribtourism.com
Registration-Ticket Cost
See http://www.onecaribbean.org/events-calendar/sotic-2013/registration-sotic-2013/
Event Registration Website