San Sebastian,es

5th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism

02 - 03 May, 2019
San Sebastian,es

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Basque Culinary Center (BCC) co-organized the 5th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism on 2-3 May 2019 at the Kursaal Congress Center in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. The Forum was supported by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of Spain, the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the City of Donostia.

Returning to its origins in San Sebastian, the fifth edition of the Forum brough together Ministers of Tourism, representatives from National and Local Tourism Administrations, chefs, entrepreneurs, academia and related stakeholders from tourism and gastronomy.

This year´s edition focused on job creation and entrepreneurship as a means to advance tourism´s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this regard, the Forum explored ways to create favorable frameworks to stimulate jobs and entrepreneurship along the gastronomy tourism value chain as well as shed lights on more relevant skills for gastronomy tourism.

The UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism was created with the aim of promoting the exchange of experiences between experts in tourism and gastronomy, to identify good practices and to promote gastronomy tourism as a factor of development of countries. 

Useful links:

Link to download the Guidelines for the Development of Gastronomy Touirsm 

Enlace para descargar La Guía para el desarrollo del turismo gastronómico 

Link to download the publication "Gastronomy Tourism – The Case of Japan"

Photos of the event

Press release 16 April 2019

Press release 27 February 2019

Press release 28 January 2019

Press release 18 December 2018

First UNWTO/BCC Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition

1st UNWTO World Forum on Food Tourism

2nd UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism