Community Empowerment through Creative Industries and Tourism: Special focus on Women, Youth, Indigenous Communities and People with Disabilities

Community Empowerment through Creative Industries and Tourism: Special focus on Women, Youth, Indigenous Communities and People with Disabilities

06 March, 2015
Room A5, CityCube Congress Centre, ITB Berlin (South),Berlin,de

This panel is aimed at building awareness on the benefits of mainstreaming socio-economic inclusion and empowerment of the local communities, especially vulnerable groups, in/through tourism and creative industries. Furthermore, it will discuss the lessons learned from good practices which have proven successful in improving the livelihoods of the communities by creating concrete enterprise opportunities and an inclusive tourism value chain linked to creative industries and the hospitality sector.

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Amitava Bhattacharya, Director and Founder, banglanatak dot com, India

Marie-Claude Frauenrath, Senior Trade Promotion Officer, Office for Asia and the Pacific, International Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva

Jos Wesemann, CEO, Wesemann Travel.

Keith Henry, CEO, Aboriginal Tourism British Columbia (AtBC), Canada. Click to see AtBC's inpsirational video "We invite you on a journey"

Neville Poelina, Former Chairman of the World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA)/CEO, Uptuyu Tours, Australia

Caroline Couret, Co-founder and Director, Creative Tourism Network

Panellists at ITB, 6 March 2015.

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