UNWTO Course in Ivory Coast from 9 to 13 December on Tourism Policy and Strategy

08 - 12 December, 2013

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the UNWTO.Themis Foundation and the Ministry of Tourism of Côte d’Ivoire are jointly organizing the UNWTO Regional Capacity Building Course on Tourism Policy and Strategy; to be held in Abidjan from 9 to 13 December 2013.

The objective of this course is to provide officials of national tourism administrations with the knowledge, skills, tools, and a forum for discussion and reflection on tourism policy and strategy, enabling them to develop a territory tourism strategy, based on a national policy.

This combined theoretical and practical capacity building course will allow participants to share useful experiences through presentations from international experts, discussions, debates, group work and practical activities.

The following countries have been invited to participate: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Togo.

Mrs. Elcia Grandcourt, Regional Director for the UNWTO Regional Programme for Africa added that ‘The role of Governments in tourism development is key to maximize the sector’s profits for a strong economy. The need for a holistic approach to tourism development and management is essential for the implementation of national and local tourism policies. Knowledge gained by participants will be valuable to support their daily work in the development of their tourism strategy, based on their national policy’.