Executive Council - Eighty-eighth session

Executive Council - Eighty-eighth session

05 - 07 June, 2010
Puerto Iguazú - Argentina,xx



Final list of participants

Preliminary programme (rev.2)

Information Note No 1

Information Note No. 1 - Annex 1 (Visas: Argentina)

Information Note No. 1 - Annex 2 (Visas: Brazil)

Information Note No 2

1. Provisional Agenda (CE/88/1 prov. rev.1)

1. Annotated Provisional Agenda (CE/88/1 annot.)

2. Communication of the Chairman (CE/88/2)

3. Report of the Secretary-General (CE/88/3)

4(a) Evaluation of the general programme of work for 2008-2009 (CE/88/4(a))

4(a) - CE/88/4(a) Add.1

4(a) - CE/88/4(a) Add. 2_corr.

4(a) - CE/88/4(a) Add. 3

4(b) Implementation of the programme of work for the biennium 2010-2011 (CE/88/4(b))

4(b) - CE/88/4(b) Corrigendum

4(c) Report of the Programme Committee, including first methodology proposals for the programme of work for 2012-2013 (CE/88/4(c))

5(a) Report on the financial situation of the Organization and plan of expenditure for 2010 (CE/88/5(a))

5(a) Add.1 Report on the financial situation of the Organization and plan of expenditure for 2010 (CE/88/5(a) Add.1)

5(b) Auditors’ report and administrative accounts of the Organization for the financial year 2009 (CE/88/5(b))

5(c) Application of Article 34 of the Statutes and paragraph 13 of the Financing Rules attached to the Statutes (CE/88/5(c))

5(d) Report of the Committee on Budget and Finance (CE/88/5(d))

5(e) Use of the UNWTO logo (CE/88/5(e))

6(a) United Nations system activities - Coordination mechanisms (CE/88/6(a))

6(b) New Institutional and Corporate Relations Programme and the inclusion of tourism in the United Nations Global Compact (CE/88/6(b))

7. Presentation of the White Paper (CE/88/7)

7. Presentation of the White Paper - Executive Summary (CE/88/7 ExSum.))

7. Presentation of the White Paper - CE/88/7 doc.ref.1

7. Presentation of the White Paper - CE/88/7 doc.ref.2

8(a) Report of the Chairman - Affilliate Members (CE/88/8(a))

8(b) Report of the Committee for the Review of Applications for Affiliate Membership

9. Place and dates of the eighty-ninth session of the Executive Council (CE/88/9)

Optional tours