Executive Council - Eighty-ninth session
Information Note No. 1 - Annex 1 (Kish Air flight schedules)
Information Note No. 1 - Annex 2 (Accommodation form)
Information Note No. 1 - Annex 3 (City tour to Isfahan)
Information Note No. 1 - Annex 4 (Complementary information on Isfahan)
1. Provisional agenda (CE/89/1 prov.)
1. Annotated Provisional Agenda (CE/89/1 prov.annot.)
2. Communication of the Chairman (CE/89/2)
3. Report of the Secretary-General (CE/89/3)
4(a) Implementation of the general programme of work for 2010-2011 (CE/89/4(a))
4(b) Report of the Programme Committee (CE/89/4(b)
4(c) Merging of the Programme Committee and the Committee on Budget and Finance (CE/89/4(c))
5(a) Financial situation of the Organization (CE/89/5(a))
5(c) Use of the UNWTO logo (CE/89/5(c))
6. United Nations system activities (CE/89/6)
7. Second draft of the White Paper (CE/89/7)
8. Study on tourist/consumer protection (CE/89/8)
9(a) Report of the Chairman of the Affiliate Members (CE/89/9(a))
10. Election of the Executive Council’s officers for 2011 (CE/89/10)
11. Place and dates of the ninetieth session of the Executive Council (CE/89/11)
Ref. Doc. 1. Positioning Tourism in Economic Policy: Evidence and Some Proposals
Ref. Doc. 2. Questionnaire on Tourism and Employment: Overview of Results
Ref. Doc. 3. 2nd T.20 Ministers Meeting
Ref. Doc. 4. The UNWTO Knowledge network
Ref. Doc. 5. Presentation on the UNWTO Knowledge Network
Ref. Doc. 6. Implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Ref. Doc. 7. Silk Road Action Plan 2010/2011