FITUR Green 2013

FITUR Green 2013

29 - 31 January, 2013


Co-organized by the Hotel Technology Institute (ITH), FITUR, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and HABITAT FUTURA, FITUR Green provided a comprehensive overview of successful initiatives and practical experiences relating to sustainability in the tourism sector through a series of roundtables and interventions and latest trends from the offer and the demand sides. The three-day events (from 30 January to 1 February 2013, on the occasion of FITUR 2013), were attended by more than 700 visitors.

In opening FITUR Green, Mr. Luigi Cabrini, Director, UNWTO’s Sustainable Development of Tourism, and Mr. Juan Molas, President of ITH and of the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (CEHAT) - in the picture below, analyzed the progresses in sustainability made by the tourism industry and recognized that sustainability has an increased business value. Also on the demand side there has been a positive change: as demonstrated by the Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development (TOI) at the Roundtable on Sustainable Tourism in the XXI Century, on 1 February, Price and the ratio Quality/Price still remain the main decisional factors to book a holiday. However, 1 in 2 consumers would be willing to book more sustainable services if available and, most importantly, there is evidence of a direct relation between quality assessment and sustainability.

Download the summary of the three-day events
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