Expert Meeting on Accessible Tourism: Good Practices on Accessible Tourism in Nature Areas

Expert Meeting on Accessible Tourism: Good Practices on Accessible Tourism in Nature Areas

19 May, 2021

Within the framework of the activities of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Working Group on Accessible Tourism, the Affiliate Members Department is organizing an Expert Meeting on Accessible Tourism at FITUR. This event intends to provide a specialized platform to share examples of good practices on accessible tourism in nature areas that will be included in a publication we are developing within the framework of the Working Group.

Affiliate Members and other organizations with expertise and knowledge on accessibility will share with the audience projects showcasing how to design and implement accessibility in nature spaces and environments, focussing on achievements, challenges and lessons learnt.


  • To recognize the importance of incorporating accessibility into the tourism practices and activities, especially those carried out in nature areas;
  • To share and exchange knowledge, views, experiences and case studies by the UNWTO Affiliate Members and other tourism stakeholders;
  • To provide recommendations on how to contribute to strengthen accessibility and create an accessible tourism for all.

Shortly we will provide a provisional programme and other useful information on how to assist.


Wednesday, 19th May, 17:30h | FITUR Next
17:30 –17:35


Michele Pitta, Project Specialist, UNWTO Affiliate Members Department

17:35 –17:40

Opening Remarks:

Diego Gonzalez, President of RedEstable, Chair of the Working Group on Accessible Tourism


Presentation of the publication “Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism Development in Nature Areas –Compendium of Best Practices”

Michele Pitta, Project Specialist, UNWTO Affiliate Members Department, and Coordinator of the Working Group on Accessible Tourism


Presentation of Good Practices on Accessible Tourism in Nature Areas

  • Can Morei - Accessible Accommodation in Nature”, Jan Fibla Reixachs, Member of Can Morei’s Ownership Group
  • DONATAPA - Beaches for all by re-using plastic”, Stephanie Sheehy,Executive Director, Costa Rica Accessible Tourism Network
  • Breaking Barriers - Accessibility Project in Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park”,Xavier Llimiñana Sabate, Technical Expert, Public Unit, Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park
  • Blue Flag Programme as a Promoter for Accessible Tourism”,Virginia Yuste Abad, Blue Flag National Operator in Spain
  • “Implementation and Certification of a Universal Accessibility Management System at Las Canteras Beach”,Andres Caballero Quintana, Head of Unit of the Government Area of Mobility, Economic Promotion and Sea City, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council

Q&A Session


Closing Remarks

Michele Pitta, Project Specialist,UNWTO Affiliate Members Department