FITUR Green: neZEH International Conference: “Nearly Zero Energy Hotels, the Potential for Change”

FITUR Green: neZEH International Conference: “Nearly Zero Energy Hotels, the Potential for Change”

20 January, 2016
IFEMA - Centro de Convenciones Norte - N107-N108,Madrid,es


Watch our live stream on 20 January from 11:00 to 18:30 CET.


The nearly Zero Energy Hotels -neZEH- is a project co-funded by the European Commission in the frame of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, aiming to accelerate the rate of large scale renovations of hotels into nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) by providing technical advice to committed hoteliers and demonstrating flagship nZEB projects in the European hospitality sector.

The conference neZEH 2016 will introduce the main challenges faced by the industry in the transition to nearly zero energy hotels, debate to what extent a deficient implementation may hinder the efforts of the sector and explore contemporary business and economic growth defies and solutions to overcome these shortfalls, including what neZEH is doing to help in the transition.


Morning Session: Becoming Nearly Zero Energy…Get started!

Inauguration and Discussion panels (11:00 – 14:00)

The morning session will focus on presenting the two of the main steps to take into consideration when engaging in a neZEH project - the rollout plan for the renovation and financing. The session will debate with neZEH pilot hotel, experts and public on how to overcome the gaps, what pioneers are doing.


Afternoon Session: Innovating for the Accommodation Industry 3.0 - we all have a role to play

Discussion panels and Conclusions (15:30 – 18:30)

The neZEH partners will present what the initiative is doing to help the accommodation industry to become more efficient and environment-friendly – introducing the neZEH e-toolkit – and expects to shed some light on what is already being done, where to look for help and call the attention to the potential new market for the technologies producers. Experts and the public will debate possible solutions to ensure adequate information is available – such as awareness and sensitization campaigns of hotel owners, staff and clients; actions promoting the benefits of investing in becoming a neZEH – how much attention is being given to the matter and the spill-over effects these can have.


Registration: For registration, please click here.

Languages: Please note simultaneous translation will be provided in English and Spanish.

For more information on the programme:

Contact person: Cláudia Lisboa (


Useful links:


Hotel Energy Solutions

FITUR 2016