Forum on Tourism, Sustainability and Climate Change in Central America

Forum on Tourism, Sustainability and Climate Change in Central America

10 - 12 April, 2013
La Ceiba,hn

The "Forum on Tourism, Sustainability and Climate Change in Central America" will be held on 11, 12 and 13 April 2013 in the city of La Ceiba, Honduras, jointly organized by the National Chamber of Tourism of Honduras (CANATURH) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), with the support of various organizations such as the Federation of Tourism Chambers of Central America (FEDECATUR), the Honduran Tourism Institute, the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD), the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Honduras (SERNA), the Central American Integration System (SICA) and the World's Forests, among others.

The main objectives of the event are to analyze the climate impact on tourism, especially in tourist destinations in Central America, to strengthen the sector's ability to address the threats and challenges of climate change, to present the opportunities and adaptation techniques and to implement the recommendations of the Davos Declaration and the Declaration of Sustainable Tourism Year in Central America.

The event will take place at the headquarters of the Regional Centre for Documentation and Environmental Interpretation (CREDIA).

The event will focus on the following topics:

• Sustainable Tourism: Opportunities for Central America
• Impacts and adaptation in coastal tourist destinations
• Impacts and adaptation in cultural and natural tourism destinations
• Climate change and mitigation measures in the tourism sector
• Public and private policies for climate change, tourism and funding

The event will conclude with a plenary session in which the conclusions and recommendations of the round tables will be presented.

To see the full program, please click on the image below: