Radiovubon celebration of World Tourism Day 2014

23 July - 26 September, 2014
Dhaka & Cox's Bazar,bd

Radiovubon celebration of World Tourism Day 27 September 2014 Program Outline 1. 21 development points (for Cox's Bazar development) proposition contest 2. Essay competition on "Role of Local community and tourists in making Cox's Bazar a sustainable tourist destination” 3. Play the message of UNWTO Secretary General – 27 August to 27 September 4. Arrange a community discussion on ‘Cox's Bazar Development Goals' – 12 September Friday 5. LIVE discussion with communities and clubs in Cox's Bazar including cultural show of local and tribal groups - 13 to 16 September 6. LIVE interview in Dhaka with the stakeholders from - BTB, BTF, TOAB, Think Tanks/Intellectuals/Teachers/Youth Organizations/Clubs etc – during 20 to 22 September 7. Live interview with foreign tourists/ International organization – 24 September 8. Live interview with Tourism Minister – 25 September (to be confirmed) 9. Participate BTB Program – 27 September 10. Certificate distribution to photographers of our Beach Photography Exhibition, prize giving to proposal contest and essay writing winners -27 September Cox’s Bazar Development Goals Radiovubon is going to launch a program ‘Palongkee 21’ with a vision to see Cox’s Bazar as one of the most attractive tourist places in the world by the year 2021 through increasing awareness of the development goals for Cox’s Bazar and coordinating the proposed programs. The development goals will be established through all possible activities like discussions, community and stakeholders engagements, events, writing contests, media shows etc till the celebration of World Tourism Day 2014. Radiovubon organizes two contests as below as a part of World Tourism Day 2014 celebration on 27th September among other programs. 21 proposals contest With an objective to establish the development goals for Cox’s Bazar focusing on sustainability and engaging the stakeholders and the local community, Radiovubon is organizing a 21 Proposals Contest among all particularly the youths and students of the country. It is not mandatory that the number of points to be 21, one can propose one to any up to twenty one points. The proposals have to be realistic, specific, measurable, achievable within 7 years time and above all sustainable. The proposals have to be written serially according to their priority. Each proposal should be limited within 50 words. All the participants will be added as a member of Radiovubon Club in Facebook, the best 5 proposers will get interesting prizes. Last date of proposal submission, August 14, 2014 through the form available at www.radiovubon.com. The prizes will be distributed on 27th September 2014, the World Tourism Day. Essay Competition Focusing on the proposed program of ‘Palongkee 21’ with a vision to see Cox’s Bazar as one of the most attractive tourist places in the world by the year 2021, Radiovubon, as a part of World Tourism Day 2014 celebration, requests all to participate in the essay writing competition on "Role of Local community and tourists in making Cox's Bazar a sustainable tourist destination” The medium of the essay writing is English or Bangla, the best write up may go to international journals. The essay should be limited within 2000 words and contain the sustainable development goals reflecting the cultural, social and environmental aspects. The proposals in the essay have to be realistic, specific, measurable and achievable within 7 years time. This may include regional and international tourism development references with statistics and economic figures. The references should be mentioned in the footnote. Please submit your essay by August 27, 2014 in word file and email to info@radiovubon.com. The prizes will be distributed on 27th September 2014, the World Tourism Day. Three winners will get certificate along with 1st prize – Laptop 2nd Prize – Dhaka- Cox’s Bazar return air ticket with two nights stay in a 5 star hotel in Cox’s Bazar 3rd prize – Smartphone