Review Meeting on the Integration of Tourism and Emergency Management

Review Meeting on the Integration of Tourism and Emergency Management

21 - 22 September, 2011
,Mt. Macedon,au

The UNWTO is organizing a Review Meeting on the Integration of Tourism and Emergency Management. This meeting will be reviewing the findings and guidelines currently developed on this subject as well as discuss best practices.

The meeting will be structured around the following thematic areas:

  • Presentation of draft study
  • The outbound and global tourism perspective
  • The inbound and domestic tourism perspective
  • Challenges to integration
  • The columns of co-ordination - public and private sector - matches or mismatches?
  • Rules of engagement

The meeting will take place at the Australian Emergency Management Institute (AEMI) in Mt. Macedon, Australia on 22-23 September 2011, and is being organized in collaboration with the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism of Australia, the University of Technology of Sydney and Bournemouth University.

Please find here the provisional programme, information note and a registration form to be returned by Friday, 9 September 2011 at the latest, to Any additional information concerning the meeting shall be addressed to the UNWTO Risk and Crisis Management programme on Tel: +34 91 567 8118, Fax: +34 91 571 3733, or email: