2020 Global INSTO Meeting
21 October, 2020

2 PM to 4:30 PM ( 14:00 to 16:30) Madrid Time, Wednesday 21 October 2020
14:00 – 14:05
Opening 2020 Global INSTO Meeting
- Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Director, Sustainable Development of Tourism, UNWTO, Moderator of the meeting
14:05 – 14:10
Updates on the latest developments in UNWTO's COVID-19 crisis response
- Mr. Manuel Butler, Executive Director, UNWTO
14:10 – 14:20
Recognition of the Tourism Observatory of the Canary Islands as new INSTO memberand Presentation
14:20 – 14:35
Keynote 1: The role of public health for the responsible restart of tourism
- Ms. Lisa Christensen, Yukon, Canada
- Dr. Andreas Dibiasi, The Sustainable Tourism Observatory of South Tyrol (STOST), Italy
14:35 – 15:20
Insights into Local satisfaction / Visitor satisfaction
Presentations by:
- Ms. Sarah Marsh, Manager, Yukon, Canada
- Prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner, The Sustainable Tourism Observatory of South Tyrol (STOST), Italy
- Ms. Alba Lajusticia, Director, Barcelona Tourism Observatory, Spain
- Mr. Federico Esper, Director General, Buenos Aires Tourism Observatory, Argentina
15:15 – 15:35
Keynote 2: Destinations in the frontline of response and recovery, boosting the capacity of local actors
- Mr. Sérgio Guerreiro, Tourism Portugal
15:35 – 15:40
UNWTO’s recovery tracker and COVID-19 impact scenarios
- Mr. Michel Julian, Officer, Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness, UNWTO
15:40 – 16:25
Governance: The role of INSTO observatories
Presentations by:
- Mr. Glenn Mandziuk, President & CEO, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Observatory (TOTA), BC, Canada
- Dr. Michael Volgger, Australia’s South West Tourism Observatory (ASWTO), Australia
- Ms. Miriam Adame Alcaraz, Technical Secretary, Guanajuato Tourism Observatory (GTO), Mexico
16:15 – 16:40
Open Discussion