SCBP, for the CIS countries and Georgia - II Workshop
06 - 08 November, 2012
II Workshop, Baku, Azerbaijan, 7-9 November 2012
- Final agenda
- Final list of participants
- UN Tourism Questionnaire on IRTS 2008 (countries responses)
- Inventory of available data (countries responses)
- Documenting the TSA framework (countries responses)
Overview of the Work Done since Workshop I
Inbound Tourism Statistics
Inbound tourism statistics: what transpires from the country responses to the UNWTO request for information
- Georgia
- Russian Federation
- UN Tourism
Focusing on border surveys: an overview of good international practices in the organization and conduct of border surveys
- Statistics Austria
- UN Tourism
Outbound Tourism Statistics
- Russian Federation
- UN Tourism
Tourism Statistics, Balance of Payments Statistics and Statistics of International Trade in Services
- Statistics Austria
- UN Tourism
Domestic Tourism Statistics
- Georgia
- Russian Federation
- UN Tourism
Tourism Statistics: The Supply Side Perspective
- UN Tourism
Towards Tourism Satellite Account
- Georgia
- Uzbekistan
- Statistics Austria
- UN Tourism
Photos of the workshop (click on the image to expand)