SCBP, for the CIS countries and Georgia - III Workshop
III Workshop, Baku, Azerbaijan, 10-12 June 2013
- Final agenda
- List of participants
Welcome and Opening of the Workshop III
- Statistics Austria
Availability of Tourism Statistics in CIS Countries and Gerogia: How Do We Meet the Needs of User Community
Dissemination of tourism statistics: IRTS 2008 recommendations and UNWTO publications
- Azerbaijan
- Kazakhstan
- Republic of Moldova
- Russian Federation
- UN Tourism
Tourism statistics quality assessment and quality assurance frameworks
- Statistics Austria
- UN Tourism
Focusing on Selected Conceptual Issues
- UN Tourism
- Flows of visitors
- Usual environment
Selected Data Compilation Issues Important for the Region
Content and structure of the tourism demand questionnaires
- Statistics Austria
- UN Tourism
Identification of tourism characteristic products and industries in terms of national product and activity classifications: international recommendations and good country practices
- UN Tourism
Accommodation statistics: organization, content and structure of the questionnaires
- Statistics Austria
- UN Tourism
Surveys of travel agencies and tour operators and their importance for tourism statistics and TSA compilation
- Statistics Austria
Compilation of Tourism Satellite Account: Challenges and Goods Practices
- Statistics Austria
Photos of the workshop (click on the image to expand)
Video message of Mr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the UNWTO