SCBP, for the CIS countries and Georgia - III Workshop

SCBP, for the CIS countries and Georgia - III Workshop

09 - 11 June, 2013

III Workshop, Baku, Azerbaijan, 10-12 June 2013


Welcome and Opening of the Workshop III

Availability of Tourism Statistics in CIS Countries and Gerogia: How Do We Meet the Needs of User Community
    Dissemination of tourism statistics: IRTS 2008 recommendations and UNWTO publications

    Tourism statistics quality assessment and quality assurance frameworks

Focusing on Selected Conceptual Issues

Selected Data Compilation Issues Important for the Region
    Content and structure of the tourism demand questionnaires

   Identification of tourism characteristic products and industries in terms of national product and activity classifications: international recommendations and good country practices

    Accommodation statistics: organization, content and structure of the questionnaires

    Surveys of travel agencies and tour operators and their importance for tourism statistics and TSA compilation

Compilation of Tourism Satellite Account: Challenges and Goods Practices

Photos of the workshop (click on the image to expand) 













Video message of Mr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the UNWTO