UNWTO Knowledge Network Meeting in the Americas

21 October, 2014

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with Universidad Externado de Colombia will organize the Meeting of the UNWTO Knowledge Network in the Americas on 21 October this year in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. This meeting will be held in the context of the “International Tourism Research Conference: An approach from the Development, Planning and Management of Tourism-oriented Territories”, which will take place on 22 - 24 October 2014 at the premises of the Universidad Externado de Colombia.

The purpose of the UNWTO Knowledge Network Meeting in the Americas is to present the programme of work of the Knowledge Network for the year 2014-2015 as well as to establish a space for discussion and collaboration regarding the programme of work and the prospects of working jointly with the institutions of the Network in the Americas.

Interested participants are kindly asked to send confirmation of their attendance by completing the registration form (to be downloaded on the menu below) and return it to innova@unwto.org before 14 October 2014.

For more information about the Meeting, please download the below provisional agenda and/or contact the UNWTO Knowledge Network Team on innova@unwto.org