TECHNICAL SESSION - Session III: Employment in the Tourism Industries: Measurement Issues and Case Studies

30 March, 2009

Chair: Mr. Peter Laimer, Statistics Austria

Keynote by Mr. Igor Chernyshev, ILO: “ILO/UNWTO joint project on employment in the tourism industries: statistics component” (text) (ppt)


  • Mr. Michel Dubreuil, Canadian Tourism Commission: “TSA Human Resource module as an instrument for training adjustments regarding supply / demand of specific jobs” (ppt)
  • Mr. Bruce Bassett, Ministry of Tourism, New Zealand: “Labour shortages in practice” (ppt)
  • Mr. Roberto Zamboni, Institute of Applied Economic Research, Brazil (spanish) (ppt) and Mr. Eduardo Nunes, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (ppt): “Employment Information System in the tourism industries. The experience of Brazil”
  • Mr. Frédéric Tardieu, National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, France: “Estimation of employment related to tourism” (ppt)
  • Mr. Raj Nath Pandey, Ministry of Tourism, India: “Employment in the tourism industries through Tourism Satellite Accounts: Indian experience” (ppt)
  • Ms. Teresa Guardia, Institute for Tourism Studies, Spain: “The impact of tourist flows in job creation in the tourism industries” (ppt)

Speakers profile and abstracts

Background documents