Tourism and Climate Change Side Event within the UN Climate Change Conference - COP18
29 November, 2012
Within the framework of the Conference of the Parties (COP18) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), UNWTO and other United Nations agencies held a side event under the theme “The tourism sector response to climate change: mitigation and adaptation initiatives and strategies”.
Speakers addressed tourism response to climate change and mitigation measures adopted within the transport and accommodation sectors.
The event was held on 29 November 2012, from 18:30 to 20:00 as one of the UN side events organized within the UN System.
To open the side events flyer, please click on the image below.
Speakers presentations can be found below:
- Tourism Response to Climate Change Challenges - Mr. Luigi Cabrini; Director Sustainable Development of Tourism; UNWTO