Training on Tourism and Biodiversity: Understanding Tourism Trends and Biodiversity Conservation for Innovative Products and Marketing

Training on Tourism and Biodiversity: Understanding Tourism Trends and Biodiversity Conservation for Innovative Products and Marketing

20 October - 01 November, 2012
UNESCO Rhön Biosphere Reserve ,de

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is pleased to announce its first extensive and in depth training course on Tourism and Biodiversity.


This twelve-day course is organized around core segments on tourism and biodiversity: biodiversity concepts and methods, marketing, cooperation with sales partners and communication. Furthermore, the integration of biodiversity into tourism development, opportunities and weaknesses of tourism practices are core training elements. Experts from UNWTO, tour operators and the private sector will present their experiences and latest techniques on topics such as tourism trends, innovation, experiences and products. Leading experts from international organizations, NGO’s and other specialists will share information on planning tools and techniques, financial instruments and the guidelines of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

The course will combine presentations with practical examples, technical visits, as well as the application of service design and consumer touchpoints in the field to support and ensure successful biodiversity-based tourism product development. Training modules are interactive, applying practical and innovative approaches, and provide a thorough understanding of the CBD “Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development”


The course is aimed at national and local authorities, the private tourism sector and NGOs involved in biodiversity and tourism.


The training course, organized with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, will be held in English for up to 30 participants from UNWTO Member States between 21 October - 2 November 2012 at the UNESCO Rhön Biosphere Reserve, Germany. Given its location, emphasis will be on mountain tourism.

UNWTO will organize a further training course on tourism and biodiversity in the UNESCO biosphere reserve Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany for up to 30 participants from UNWTO Member States in the Spring of 2013 (dates to be specified), focused on coastal ecosystems.

For additional information, please contact the UNWTO Consulting Unit on Tourism and Biodiversity by Fax: +49 228 815 0554 or email: or visit