UNWTO Silk Road Seminar at WTM London 2014

UNWTO Silk Road Seminar at WTM London 2014

05 November, 2014
South Gallery 13-14,London,uk


20 Years of Silk Road Tourism:                                         What has been achieved and what's in store for the future?


Acclaimed as the ‘greatest route in the history of mankind’, the ancient Silk Road formed the first bridge between the East and the West, and was an important vehicle for trade between ancient empires of China, Central and Western Asia, the Indian sub-continent and Rome.

2014 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Samarkand Declaration on Silk Road Tourism, a historic declaration that called for the 'fruitful re-birth of these legendary routes as one of the world's richest cultural tourism destinations'.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) commemorated this important milestone by inviting industry leaders to discuss the achievements and challenges for developing tourism along this internationally acclaimed route. The seminar looked at the relevance of today's Silk Road, why it is attracting increasing global attention and what is in store for the future.

For more information, contact silkroad@unwto.org


Speakers included:

  • Ms. Alla Peressolova, Head of UNWTO Silk Road Programme
  • Mr. Mark Frary, Co-Founder, Travel Perspective
  • Mr Gai Jorayev, Institute of Archaeology, University College London 
  • Ms. Helena Egan, Director, Industry Relations, TripAdvisor
  • Mr. Adrian Phillips, Managing Director, Bradt Travel Guides
  • Ms. Marina Badias, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Minube

Presentations for downloading:

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