EHL/UNWTO Think Tank - Schedule
Click here to register for the UNWTO/EHL Think Tank.
Please note that this is a programme for country representatives. For the programme for media representatives click here.
08h00 – 08h30 Opening remarks/Coffee and croissants
08h30 – 10h00 First Round of Presentations
Each country’s representative(s) will watch their respective (2 or 3) student groups present their strategic plan for the country’s sustainable tourism & hospitality infrastructure development and integration into the Silk Road during a 15 minute presentation. Students will then have to defend their strategies during a 15 minute question and answer session led by the country representative(s). Additional audience members could include EHL faculty, UN representatives, industry executives and/or representatives from other Silk Road countries not participating in the Strategy Challenge. Each country will select one team to move onto the round of final presentations.
10h00 – 10h30 Coffee Break
10h30 – 12h00 Final presentations I
During this plenary session, five of the 10 teams will present their strategies for 10 minutes and respond to questions from a panel of judges, consisting of country representatives, UNWTO representatives and industry executives for a further five minutes. The large audience will consist of all 160 students, all country representatives and other distinguished guests.
12h00 – 14h00 Lunch at Berceau des Sens
Country representatives, UNWTO representatives, industry executives, distinguished guests and members of the EHL community are invited to lunch at the school’s fine dining restaurant.
14h00 – 15h30 Final presentations II
The remaining five teams will present their strategies in the same format as the morning. Once all ten teams have presented their strategies, one team will be selected as the winner of the 15th EHL Strategy Challenge.
15h30 – 16h00 Coffee Break
16h00 – 18h30 Panel Discussion and Think Tank Sessions
Strategy Challenge Think Tank participants will split into break out rooms, where each room will focus on a different key issue pertaining to the development of the Silk Road in the future. Once these discussion have come to a close, all members will reconvene in the main hall where a moderated panel discussion will address these issues.
18h30 – 20h00 Cocktail Dinatoire
Following the Think Tank session, EHL will be hosting a cocktail Dinatoire with winning student teams, UNWTO, country representatives, distinguished guests, hospitality industry executives and members of the EHL community.