UNWTO.Practicum on Tourism and Community Development
The Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a specialized agency of the United Nations with Headquarters in Spain, presents its compliments to the Members of the Organization, and has the honour to inform them that the UNWTO.Themis Foundation, is launching the autumn edition of the 2014 UNWTO Practicum programme. This capacity building programme will include a workshop on Tourism and Community Development and will be held in English, at the UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid and in the Principality of Andorra from 28 September to 5 October 2014.
As Members will recall, the Practicum has the threefold objective of: (a) building capacity of officials from the National Tourism Administrations of UNWTO Member States in their core areas of responsibility; (b) familiarizing them with the UNWTO and UNWTO.Themis programmes of work and the activities and services provided therein; and (c) creating the opportunity for networking between the participants and with the responsible UNWTO and UNWTO.Themis officials.
In this way, NTA officials can obtain greater benefits from the added value which UNWTO offers its Members as well as having face-to-face contact with its officials in the different programme areas and regional programmes.
As indicated in the attached Information Note, air transport to Madrid for arrival and from Barcelona (Spain) for the return is to be covered by the country sending the participant, while accommodation and internal transport Madrid – Andorra – Barcelona will be covered by UNWTO. A detailed programme will be sent shortly to complement the information.
Candidates presented for the UNWTO.Practicum should hold a post at management level in the National Tourism Administration of their countries and be able to contribute actively to the Practicum’s proceedings. Candidates should have an excellent command of English as the Seminar will be conducted in this language. Members are requested to forward their nomination of a candidate, with the completed application form (this can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Pract14_ENG_Inscription), letter of intention and supporting documents as soon as possible. Due to the inter-active nature of the Practicum, it will be limited to 20 participants.
Applications must be submitted with a formal letter from the highest authority of the National Tourism Administration (Minister, Director-General) from the respective Governments nominating their candidate. The proposed candidates will be selected on merit. The deadline for application is 25 August 2014, at the latest.
Governments who wish to submit the candidature of an official are requested to indicate their interest in participating in this programme to:
Mr. Omar Valdez
Executive Director
UNWTO.Themis Foundation
Calle Poeta Joan Maragall, 42
28020 Madrid
Fax: +(34) 91-571 3733
e-mail: practicum@unwtothemis.org