Workshop on Developing Tourism Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Project
20 - 21 October, 2008
- Programme
- Presentations
- Background for developing the national system of tourism statistics: The International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 – Marion Libreros, UNWTO Consultant
- Measuring employment in the tourism industries – Marion Libreros, UNWTO Consultant
- Tourism as an internationally traded service: linking tourism statistics and the balance of payments – Marion Libreros, UNWTO Consultant
- Developing the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA): The Philippine Experience – Romulo Virola, Secretary General, National Statistical Coordination Board
- Capacity building programme for enhancing tourism statistics and the TSA in Asia – Stan Fleetwood, UNWTO Consultant
- Enhancing tourism decision-making through an effective system of tourism statistics at sub-national levels – Stan Fleetwood, UNWTO Consultant
- Introduction of the Result and Compilation of Jiangsu Tourism Satellite Account (JSTSA-2002) – Li Ming Yao, Deputy Director, Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau, China (document) (presentation)
- Tourism Demand Forecasting and its Requirements for Statistics – Prof. Haiyan Song, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Other documents of interest
- Conclusions