Workshop on Recovering Tourism After a Crisis
During the upcoming World Export Development Forum 2011 (WEDF), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is supporting the work that is lead by the International Trade Centre (ITC) during their flagship event, at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-IV). As ITC’s primary UN agency partner this year, UNWTO and ITC have forged a partnership for inputs to the LDC-IV conference to benefit from synergies and to produce backward linkages to their respective work programmes.
Tourism is a resilient sector that tends to show a significant capacity to rebound after a crisis situation, as proven with recent events such as terrorism and natural disasters. Still, in the short term, the sector can be highly impacted by crises situations. To manage these challenges adequately, travel and tourism stakeholders must focus on the development and implementation of crisis management systems that allow them to react effectively in any crisis situation.
With this in mind, The ITC and UNWTO’s Risk and Crisis Management programme will organize a workshop on Recovering Tourism after a Crisis. This closed event will take place on the 10th of May. Aside from presenting best practices for minimizing impact of crises in tourism, the workshop aims to identify and mitigate global and local risks related to travel and tourism, and includes the development of crisis management systems.
For further information:
World Export Development Forum: Private Sector Engagement with LDCs for Tourism-led Growth and Inclusive Sustainable Development: http://www.intracen.org/wedf/