WTM event on Gender and Sustainable Tourism Development: Exploring the Links

09 November, 2011
ExCel Grounds-North Gallery Room 8,London,uk

The WTM event on Gender and Sustainable Tourism Development featured a presentation of the recently published Global Report on Women in Tourism, a joint UNWTO/UN Women publication, followed by interventions from representatives of the public and private sectors as well as of civil society. The latter shared their views and experiences on the important role of tourism in promoting women´s empowerment and discussed this link in light of the main themes of the report – Employment, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Education and Community.

Participants included the Minister of Tourism of Paraguay, H.E. Ms. Liz Cramer Campos, the Founder and Director of Zara Tanzanian Adventures and Member of the Sustainable and Solidarity Tourism Network of the Spanish Banesto Foundation, Ms. Zainab Ansell, and the Founder and Co-Director of Zalala Beach Lodge, a community-based lodge in Mozambique and Member of the Central America Women´s Network (CAWN), Ms. Angela Hadjipateras.

The UNWTO/UNWomen Global Report on Women in Tourism marks a new era for tackling gender issues in the tourism sector. It provides detailed statistical information on women’s role and status in the industry, offering recommendations on how to improve the current situation. UNWTO and UN Women believe that tourism can be a vehicle for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. Nevertheless, much work needs to be done in order for this potential to be realised. As such, this UNWTO event debate tourism’s capacity for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment while examining current challenges and barriers to equality in the sector.

To read the official REPORT OF THE EVENT, please click here.

To access the Global Report on Women in Tourism, please click here

For more information on UNWTO's work on Tourism and Gender, please click here


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