WTM Speed Networking Event

WTM Speed Networking Event

02 - 05 November, 2014
WTM Global Stage, World Travel Market,London,uk


As in previous years, the UNWTO Silk Road Programme will be on-site to support Silk Road stakeholders interested in participating in the WTM Speed Networking event. This year two WTM Speed Networking sessions are planned:

Monday, 3 November 2014 - WTM Global Stage, 09:00-10:00

Thursday, 6 November 2014 - WTM Global Stage, 09:00-10:00

WTM Speed Networking is a not to be missed event that brings together over 1,000 exhibitors and 300 senior buyers interested in networking and doing business on a global scale. The format allows for 5 minute mini-meetings to discover whether buyers, who are coloured matched to the regions they wish to buy from, and exhibitors have similar business interests that they would like to pursue during the rest of WTM. For more information on the event and to register, please click here

Opportunities for Silk Road Exhibitors attending WTM Speed Networking!

Building on our long-term relationship with WTM, we would like to support Silk Road exhibitors interested in making business along the historic routes: by sending us your company’s contact details and a brief summary (in bullet points) of your latest products and offers, we will make sure that this information reaches interested WTM buyers in advance. Similarly, we will inform attending Silk Road exhibitors beforehand of the buyers interested in purchasing from the Silk Road. By acting as useful intermediaries we aim to support beneficial partnerships for the Silk Road and raise the region’s overall name as a dynamic centre for business and investment.

If interested, please send the following information to silkroad@unwto.org by no later than 30 October 2014:

  • Company name and logo
  • Main contact details
  • Tourism field that your company is specialized in: adventure, eco-tourism, cross-border tourism, etc.
  • Main products and offers (brief bullet points)
  • WTM Speed Networking session you will be attending: Monday 3 November or Thursday 6 November

For further information on UNWTO activities at WTM London 2014, please click here

For further information on the Silk Road Anniversary Seminar that the Silk Road Programme is organizing at WTM London, please click here