Session 1. Understanding Needs and Putting Data to Use

21 June, 2017
Marriott Grand Ballroom,Manila,ph

Quality statistics are, by definition, data that are fit for purpose. This session will cover some of the main expectations and requirements of data users at international, national and subnational levels and how a statistical framework on MST should cater to these needs.

Moderator: Mr. Carlos Vogeler, Executive Director for Member Relations, UNWTO


  • Mr. Emad Hassan, Advisor to the Minister for Green and Sustainable Tourism, Ministry of Tourism, Egypt: “A View on Egypt’s Efforts to Develop Sustainable Tourism Indicators” (summary)
  • Mr. Sérgio Guerreiro, Director, Knowledge Management & Corporate Affairs, Turismo de Portugal and Representing the European Travel Commission
  • Ms. Beatriz Marco Arce, Deputy Director for Tourism Intelligence, Spain Tourism Board (Turespaña), Spain
  • Ms. Jing Liu, Programme Officer, International Union for Conservation of Nature: “The IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas: the global standard for protected areas in the 21st century”
  • Mr. Dirk Glaesser, Director, Sustainable Development of Tourism, UNWTO: “Supporting Sustainable Development through Observatories" (summary)
  • Ms. Miriam Cecilia Adame Alcaraz, Director, Information and Analysis, Secretariat of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico
  • Mr. Geoffrey Lipman, Professor, Victoria University, Australia and Hasselt University Limburg, Belgium: "Relevant Measurement of Travel & Tourism Impacts in a Climate Focused World" (summary)

Speakers profile