Fifth meeting of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
Promotion and implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Madeira, Portugal, 16 June 2007: Following the invitation of the Regional Government of Madeira, the Fifth meeting of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics was held in Funchal, Madeira, on 15 and 16 June 2007.
Members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics in Madeira for their fifth meeting, held in June 2007
Among the main issues discussed at this last session of the Committee sitting under the current composition, were:
- the evaluation of the actual degree of implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism by both governments and the private sector, and the preparation of a new survey questionnaire for future assessments;
- the recent promotional initiatives based on the Code, such as the partnership with the International Business Leaders Forum on Tourism and Human Rights for the tourism industry, the cooperation with the non-governmental organisation World Peace Passport focusing future generations of junior travellers, and the newly established web-based social network youtourist.travel; and
- the possible ways of enhancing the use of the conciliation mechanism offered by the Committee to the various stakeholders as a very helpful, discreet and credible tool for the settlement of disputes in the field of tourism.
The Committee further accepted the executive board of the extended Task Force to Protect Children from Exploitation in Tourism (now covering sexual exploitation, child labour and trafficking in children) as its new advisory body in terms of child protection in tourism.
Finally, the Members of the Committee adopted The Madeira Message on the future role of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and of the Committee itself, which will be presented to the General Assembly for its endorsement at the forthcoming session to be held in November at Cartagena de Indias and, subsequently, for its dissemination to the international community.
The new composition of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics for the period 2008-2011 is currently being completed before its submission to Cartagena de Indias General Assembly later this year for endorsement.
Read the Madeira Message (English) (Spanish) (French)
For more information on the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, please click here