January 19, 2011
Cooperation and internationalization of knowledge, priorities for the UNWTO.TedQual Network for 2011
Two parallel sessions were held during the week of 15 November 2010, the UNWTO.TedQual Americas meeting and the UNWTO.TedQual Asia-Pacific meeting thus concluding the cycle of regional meetings that started in October with the UNWTO.TedQual Europe.
Particulars resulting from each corresponding region’s priorities and interests in education and tourism were presented at each regional meeting. Matters that could be developed transversally by the worldwide UNWTO.TedQual network were also identified. Among others, one must highlight the development of mutual research lines, promoting the inclusion of the UN Purposes and Principles, reflected in the World Code of Ethics for Tourism, in the certified tourism programmes, and the strengthening of the cooperation and internationalization of knowledge among UNWTO.TedQual Institutions and towards less developed countries. These matters are to be considered priorities when developing the UNWTO. TedQual programme of work 2011.
It is worth noting that the line of cooperation and internationalization of knowledge was one of the European UNWTO.TedQual Institutions’ main goals and that it will now be extended to Asia-Pacific and the Americas (Central America) during 2011. On these lines, a grant was awarded to an official from the National Tourism Administration from Angola to attend a Master’s programme at the Instituto Politécnico Viana de Castelo in Portugal. This, in the framework of the UNWTO.TedQual Regional Programme for Africa - a programme created by the UNWTO.Themis Foundation, the UNWTO Regional Representation for Africa and the UNWTO.TedQual Network Europe.