May 12, 2011
The UNWTO-Excellence in Tourism Management course has finalized
The UNWTO Course Excellence in Tourism Management, Education and Innovation, organized by the World Tourism Organization, through the UNWTO.Themis Foundation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism of Argentina, took place from 25 to 29 April in San Martin de los Andes, Province of Neuquén, Argentina.
This seventh edition was launched by Angela Ayala, Director of Quality and Training of the Ministry of Tourism of Argentina, Maria Cristina Frugoni, Mayor of San Martin de los Andes, Raul Pont, Secretary of tourism and economic development of San Martin de los Andes, and Sonia Figueras, UNWTO.Capacity programme coordinator.
The course was attended by more than 40 officials from national, regional and / or local governments as well as from the private and academic sector from Argentina, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Spain and Uruguay.
Participants learnt about different teaching-learning initiatives and tools in the tourism sector and its application as a instrument to meet the Millennium Development Goals, through presentations of international speakers as Humberto Rivas, Academic director; Santiago Noboa, Organization of the American States; Cristina Guerrero, CIOMIJAS; Pilar Soret, ONCE Foundation and David Vincent, e-learning, e-marketing expert.
The closing ceremony was attended by Pablo Daniel Agulera, Secretary of Tourism of Argentina, Gonzalo Casanova, National Director of Tourism Quality Management, Raúl Pont Secretary of Tourism of San Martin de los Andes, Angela Ayala, Director of Quality and Training of Argentina, Claudio Blaires, UNWTO.Stragegy programme coordinator and Sonia Figueras, UNWTO.Capacity Programme coordinator, both from the UNWTO.Themis Foundation.