UNWTO presents overview of international tourism in 2010
June 29, 2011

UNWTO presents overview of international tourism in 2010

The 2011 edition of the UNWTO Tourism Highlights is now online.

This overview of international tourism in 2010 includes key trends, the ranking of the world’s top tourism destinations and an overview of international tourist arrivals and tourism receipts for all world regions. It also covers outbound tourism and lists the world’s biggest tourism spenders.

In 2010:

• International tourist arrivals reached 940 million and tourism receipts generated US$ 919 billion
• Travel for leisure, recreation and holidays accounted for just over half of all international tourist arrivals
• Slightly over half of all travellers arrived at their destination by air
• France maintained its position as the world’s number one tourism destination
• China became the world’s third biggest tourism spender

UNWTO Tourism Highlights is produced annually and is available for free download here


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