First World Tourism Day Twitter Competition Now Open
July 08, 2011

First World Tourism Day Twitter Competition Now Open

To celebrate World Tourism Day 2011 UNWTO is running its first ever twitter competition!

World Tourism Day 2011 will be celebrated under the theme Tourism – Linking Cultures.  UNWTO statistics show us that more people than ever before are travelling across the globe and encountering new places, people and experiences.  So, how do you think tourism links cultures?  Use your 140 characters wisely to give us your take on how tourism facilitates connections between cultures worldwide.

There are just a few guidelines to make sure your tweet gets noticed:

  • Don’t forget to include the official hashtag, #WTD2011, in your tweet.
  • Tweets can be submitted in any of the UNWTO official languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian or Arabic.
  • The deadline for tweets is 31 August.

The winning tweets, chosen by UNWTO judges, will appear on the WTD 2011 website and on promotional materials for the official WTD celebrations in Aswan, Egypt. 

If you’d like your tweet to reach hundreds of WTD celebration attendees in Egypt, and thousands more users online, then get tweeting



Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications Programme

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