August 25, 2011
New edition of the University Course Tourism and International Cooperation for Development – Spanish Edition

This course, organized in the context of UNWTO.Volunteers Programme, is part of the work programme of the UNWTO.Themis Foundation. The on line part (e-learning) it began on May 23, with more than 100 hours, which were discussed concepts and case studies in the area of development cooperation and tourism, with special emphasis on the methodologies that UNWTO uses in their Volunteers projects in developing countries. The on-site part of the course follows a very practical methodology based on specific knowledge on issues relevant to tourism and international cooperation for development, so that the participant acquires certain tools used in the UNWTO.Volunteers programme.
The aim of this course is to train trains university graduates and professionals in subject areas related to development and international cooperation through tourism to form part of UNWTO volunteer teams and/or those of other international cooperation agencies.
The closing ceremony of the course was held last July 29 in Sant Julià de Loria (Andorra) and was attended by Francesc Camp, Minister of Tourism and Environment; Enric Naudi and Beatriz Lorenzo, Counsellors delegates of the Commune of Sant Julià de Loria, Aurora Pedro, Academic Director of the Course, Omar Valdez, Executive Director of the UNWTO.Themis Foundation and Luca Mannocchi, responsible for the UNWTO.Volunteers programme.