New English edition of the University Course Tourism and International Cooperation for Development
More than 25 young professionals from America, Europe and Africa, have participated in the University Course on Tourism and International Cooperation for Development organized by the UNWTO.Themis Foundation in collaboration with the George Washington University.
This course, organized in the context of UNWTO.Volunteers Programme, began with the on-line portion (e-learning) on 22nd August, where concepts and case studies in the area of development cooperation and tourism were discussed.
This course was continued with the on-site portion which was held from 1st to 14th October in the George Washington University, (Washington DC, USA). This section included a practical methodology based on specific knowledge on issues relevant to tourism and international cooperation for development, so that the participants acquired certain tools used in the UNWTO.Volunteers programme and presentations from national and international organizations as the World Bank, the IADB, the IFC and the U.S. Departament of State.
The aim of this course is to train university graduates and professionals in subject areas related to development and international cooperation through tourism to form part of UNWTO.Volunteers corps and/or those of other international cooperation agencies.