‘Tourism Linking Cultures on the Silk Road’ UNWTO World Tourism Day event takes place at JATA Tokyo
October 03, 2011

‘Tourism Linking Cultures on the Silk Road’ UNWTO World Tourism Day event takes place at JATA Tokyo

In the spirit of World Tourism Day, UNWTO, supported by JATA and Nara City, held a special event celebrating ‘Tourism Linking Cultures on the Silk Road’ at the 2011 edition of the JATA Tourism Forum and Travel Showcase in Tokyo, Japan.

With a focus on fostering cooperation, the event brought together stakeholders from across the Silk Road to share ideas on how to raise the profile of the Silk Road tourism.

Hosting a technical seminar themed ‘Strengthening Cultural Links and Fostering Sustainable Development’, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) discussed opportunities for Silk Road tourism in the modern day context, and introduced its multi-stakeholder Silk Road Programme, which aims to establish the Silk Road as an internationally-renowned, unique network of destinations. UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific highlighted its plans for developing a ‘Silk Road Maritime Routes’ initiative and endorsed its support for the development of Nara City as a major Silk Road city and destination. Representatives from the tourism boards and private sector of China, Uzbekistan, Croatia and Azerbaijan presented how they are working on various international initiatives and cooperating through their Silk Road connections, on areas such as marketing and promotion, travel facilitation, investment and heritage management.  

At a special World Tourism Day cocktail reception following the seminar, delegates celebrated the culture and cuisine of the Silk Road while witnessing a special performance by the ancient Silk Road group ‘Tenpyogafu’, well-known for its feature in the Japanese NHK Silk Road documentary series.

‘UNWTO is delighted to work with JATA and Nara City in hosting this important event to promote the Silk Road as a vehicle for cultural exchange and sustainable tourism development’ said UNWTO Executive Director Mr Zoltan Somogyi. ‘The joint UNWTO-Nara City stand at JATA also served to generate a lot of interest in the Silk Road from both trade and public alike and we look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future.’

The UNWTO Silk Road Programme is an initiative of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a specialized agency of the United Nations. ‘Tourism Linking Cultures on the Silk Road’ WTD Event at JATA 2011 was co-organised by the UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific www.unwto-osaka.org.

VIEW IMAGES  from this event at the UNWTO Silk Road Programme Flickr page


Johanna Devine - UNWTO 'Strengthening Cultural Links & Fostering Sustainable Tourism Development' Introduction to UNWTO Silk Road Programme

Edouard Tripkovic Katayama - Head, Croatian National Tourism Board (CNTB) Representative Office Japan 'Croatia - Homeland of Marco Polo'

Bakhriddinov Mansur - Representative, Uzbek Fund Forum Japan & Akana Masaoka - Marketing Manager, Uzbektourism Japan Representative Office ' 青く煌めく文化・芸術と観光の国ウズベキスタン'

Chingiz Mursalov - Improtex Travel, 'The Caucasus as the Crossroads of culture'


General Programme (English)  プログラム 日本語

Programme with Speakers details


Silk Road Programme Manager: Alla Peressolova
Tel: (+34) 91 567 8206 / (+34) 91 567 8100
Fax: (+34) 91 5671 37 33
SilkRoad@UNWTO.org – www.UNWTO.org/SilkRoad