Developing service and quality standards in Ethiopia’s hospitality sector
Tourism has been identified as a priority sector in Ethiopia for the country’s economic diversification. In support of the government’s efforts to develop tourism, UNWTO has collaborated with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia to conduct a qualitative assessment of service and product quality standards in Ethiopia’s hospitality sector. A mission was fielded to Ethiopia by UNWTO at the request of the government during which a programme of visits was undertaken to hotels and lodges across the country to review the existing range of products and service standards available to visitors. The mission consulted with national and regional authorities, industry representatives and local entrepreneurs to discuss the current opportunities and challenges in the sector. There are plans for significant expansion to the hospitality sector in Ethiopia with an estimated 120 new hotels and other establishments to be constructed. A report is to be submitted to the government on the misison’s principal conclusion and recommendations for the upgrading of quality standards in the sector, notably through the reform of existing classification criteria. UNWTO is also preparing proposals to support the broad development of industry standards including new monitoring and assessment framework.