Workshop & International Seminar on Key Performance Indicators for Destination Marketing 13-14 September 2012
July 23, 2012

Workshop & International Seminar on Key Performance Indicators for Destination Marketing 13-14 September 2012

Aimed at analysts and marketers from tourism organizations, the 8th TourMIS Workshop (Thursday 13 September) offers training on how to use TourMIS (, the marketing information-system for tourism managers, and provides participants with information on relevant methodologies to analyze tourism. The event is hosted by UNWTO Affiliate Member Modul University Vienna.

The International Seminar on Key Performance Indicators for Destination Marketing (Friday 14 September) will be organized by the European Travel Commission and World Tourism Organization. Besides the official release of the latest ETC-UNWTO Handbook on Performance Indicators for NTO Marketing Activity, there will be a number of presentations in relation to this hot topic.

We invite you to visit to keep up to date with event-related news. We recommend making use of the early bird sign-up  to save on your hotel rate and secure your spot at seminar . The participation in the seminar is free; however, travel, accommodation and dinners need to be covered by each participant.

For additional information on both events please go to or contact the local organizer, Ms. Bozana Zekan, at