“National Championship for the Best Project for a Sustainable Hotel Industry in Argentina: Greener Hotels”
August 09, 2012

“National Championship for the Best Project for a Sustainable Hotel Industry in Argentina: Greener Hotels”

Parallel to the next exhibition of HOTELGA, the International Fair of Equipment, Products and Services for the Gastronomy and Hotel Industries to be held in the Municipal Fair Center La Rural between 3rd and 6th september 2012, the final phase of the first “National Championship for the Best Project for a Sustainable Hotel Industry in Argentina: Greener Hotels” will also take place, an event intended to recognize and grant an award to the best projects of applied innovation considering those principles of sustainability of the value chain in the Argentine hotel industry.

The projects of innovation may be related to the design of hotel establishments considering the criteria of sustainability, to the use of eco-efficient hotel technologies, to the good practices of a sustainable hotel management, to the development and introduction to the market of products and/or services which reduce the environmental impact that those products and services may have on the hotel business in any of its categories as well as to future researches which foster sustainability in the Argentine hotel industry.

This championship has a national scope and involves those companies, organizations, individuals or legal representatives who carry out their activity, -in whole or in part-, in the Argentine territory.

The following companies, institutions or individuals are entitled to apply for the championship and its award: hotel establishments (independent hotels, groups or hotel chains with their own legal representation, business schools, universities (studies related to architecture, engineering, hotel business and the environment), research and/or technology centers having with their own legal representation and a proven relation to the hotelery field, companies which supply goods or services to the hotel industry, companies which supply equipment developed in favor of a sustainable business, individuals with a proven relation or background in the hotel industry.

In order to evaluate those applications presented until 27th July and the selection of the 8 final participants who will compete during HOTELGA 2012 – www.hotelga.com.ar -, the following criteria will be taken into consideration: the presentation and design of the project, its coherence with the objectives for improvements for a sustainable hotel management, its feasibility, consolidation and applicability and the degree of success, the results obtained and their assessment through easily-compared indicators as well as the concept of a project which is a model to be followed as a sustainable improvement in the hotel sector. www.hotelesmasverdes.com.ar