April 11, 2013

Welcome to the new Knowledge Network Members

As a growing Community of Knowledge, the UNWTO Knowledge Network is always seeking for organizations and enterprises with a demonstrated research competency and experience in tourism development and innovation. Following its strategy to enlarge and strengthen the Knowledge community, the UNWTO Knowledge Network would like to extend the warmest welcome to the following organizations:

Edutus College, Hungary: Founded in 1992, Edutus has become an influential institution of tertiary economics education in Hungary, being the first to focus on enterprise management and commerce practices instead of theoretical economics and macro level issues. Their Tourism and Hospitality degree aims to provide economists who want to obtain a holistic view of the characteristics of the tourism sector with the operations, processes and the evaluation and decision-making criteria, special fields and connective links of the different branches of tourism.

Kerala Institute of Tourism and Hospitality, India: KITTS has worked in the field of travel, tourism and hospitality for more than 25 years, providing education programmes to develop professional personnel for the tourism sector. The institution provides quality education using state of art technology to improve the level of tourism service providers while applying academic knowledge to the sustainable development of tourism in India.  KITTS’ areas of expertise are eco-, responsible tourism and community-based tourism activities.

Shanghai Institute of Tourism, China: The Shanghai Institute of Tourism is the oldest institution dedicated to tourism education in China. The Institute offers a wide range of multi-level courses, ranging from associate to postgraduate program and covering different areas of the tourism sector such as tourism, Event, Food & Beverage and Hotel Hospitality Management, Finance, Accounting and Culinary Arts.

University of Tourism and Management in Skopje, Macedonia: The University is the only private institution to provide tourism education in the Republic of Macedonia. Its efforts are focused towards contributing to place Macedonia in the world market and provide a new, innovative strategy for the development of domestic tourism offer, turning the country into a new global tourism destination in the international scene. A strong focus is placed on exploring and developing sustainable development.

University of the West Indies - Mona School of Business and Management, Jamaica: With 4 campuses in the Caribbean, UWI is the largest and longest standing higher education provider in the English-speaking Caribbean. The Mona School of Business and Management is the largest business school of its size and quality within the region, offering highly specialized programs in tourism such as the Master in Hospitality and Tourism Management.