UNWTO welcomes 39 new Affiliate Members
The 95th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council approved the candidatures of 39 new Affiliate Members to the Organization.
Applications from 39 candidates across various regions and fields of work related to tourism were approved to become UNWTO Affiliate Members by the 95th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council (Belgrade, Serbia, 27-29 May 2013)
The new members will be able to avail of the various benefits of membership, including free access to UNWTO market intelligence, participation in the Organization´s industry reports, networking and association with the UNWTO brand.
The UNWTO Affiliate Members are a forum where associated organizations from all levels, from global to local, both public and private, meet to drive collaboration, creativity and innovation in order to advance sustainable tourism.
The new Affiliate Members are expected to be ratified at the upcoming UNWTO General Assembly (25-29 August 2013, Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe).
Useful Links:
Full list of new Affiliate Members