First International Meeting of the UNWTO.TedQual Students´ Advisory Board
September 17, 2013

First International Meeting of the UNWTO.TedQual Students´ Advisory Board

Bournemouth, United Kingdom

4-6 September 2013

Student Representatives of UNWTO.TedQual Programmes from around the world gathered at Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, to discuss global issues on the Tourism Labour Market and how future generations can contribute to build a more sustainable tourism sector.

This meeting aimed to further broach the concept of internationalization of minds by involving the participating students in the development of a Decalogue of Ethic Principles for future tourism professionals, in accordance with the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.

The meeting also targeted the improvement of employability of UNWTO.TedQual students by offering them a chance to participate in special workshops held by recruitment experts from the tourism sector and a job interview simulacrum. At the end of the meeting, the host University held an e-Tourism lab on the influence social media tools have on the Tourism sector.

For further information on the UNWTO.TedQual Programme, please visit

