The World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and Qatar Tourism Authority brought to a close the UNWTO course on Tourism Strategy on 15th May.
May 21, 2014

The World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and Qatar Tourism Authority brought to a close the UNWTO course on Tourism Strategy on 15th May.

The UNWTO executive training course in Qatar on Tourism Strategy, organized by the World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and Qatar Tourism Authority, was closed on 15th May by

​Issa Al Mohannadi, Chairmain - Qatar Tourism Authority and Omar Valdez, Executive Director - UNWTO.Themis Foundation, the facilitators of the course: Edit Szivas and Adel Rady and ​33 officials from Tourism National, Regional and Local Administrations and ​the private sector from ​Qatar, ​Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, Morocco and Yemen.

This course, delivered by Edit Szivas and Adel Rady, aimed at providing the participants with knowledge, skills, tools and a forum for discussion and reflection on tourism strategy at destination level. With this objective, the international facilitators delivered presentations on key elements of a tourism destination, key concepts in tourism strategy, destination competitiveness and sustainability, situational analysis, strategic planning model, and tourism development strategy evaluation, and the participants put into practice this content with a final project on ​Al Zubarah area, Durhan area and Al Khor area.


If you are interested in hosting a UNWTO Course in your country please visit: /content/unwtocapacity