June 12, 2014

UNWTO saddened by the death of Diego Cordovez

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is deeply saddened by the passing away of Diego Cordovez, former Ecuadorian diplomat and the first President of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (2003-2007).

Born in Ecuador in 1935, Mr Cordovez dedicated his distinguished career to international diplomacy, serving as a United Nations official for over 20 years.

Entering the UN as chief-of-staff of UNCTAD's Secretary-General, Mr Cordovez held a number of positions during his time with the organization, including Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs between 1981-1988, as well as Special Adviser on Cyprus, and Special Adviser on Latin American issues. Between 1988-1992, he served as Foreign Minister of Ecuador, and he also held the position of Ecuador’s UN ambassador between 2005-2007.

During his career, Mr. Cordovez made important contributions towards advancing world peace, including helping negotiate the Geneva Accords, which led to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1988-1989.

In 2004, Mr. Cordovez was elected the first president of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, the impartial body responsible for interpreting, applying and evaluating the provisions of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. In this capacity, Mr Cordovez led the creation of the consultation and conciliation mechanism for the settlement of disputes on the application of the Code,  the issuance of the Madeira Message as well as the promotion of customer-friendly tips for responsible travel.

Mr Cordovez passed away on May 24 2014 at the age of 79. UNWTO joins all those who knew Mr Cordovez in sending sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Useful links:

World Committee on Tourism Ethics


Senior Media Officer: Marcelo Risi
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

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