First UNWTO Conference on Accessible Tourism in Europe
In recognition of the importance of universal accessibility in tourism, which is related not only to the respect for human rights, but also to considerable economic opportunities that Tourism for All entails, UNWTO and the Government of the Republic of San Marino will jointly organize the 1st UNWTO Conference on Accessible Tourism in Europe, to take place in San Marino on 19/20 November 2014.
The Conference will feature good practices of universal accessibility and design for all in a wide-range of tourism destinations in Europe, with a special focus on heritage cities. Some of these destinations have managed to develop quality services for all and successfully boosted their competitiveness through accessible tourism, without neglecting the challenges of heritage protection for future generations.
This gathering will further discuss different approaches in developing an adequate policy framework and strategic actions aimed at making accessible tourism a reality. Smart technologies which enable and foster universal accessibility and its application in tourism infrastructures, facilities and services will be also tackled by the panelists.
Should you be able to attend the Conference, please register directly online at http://www.sanmarinoaccessibletourism.com. In case you have additional inquiries regarding the event, please contact the Organizing Committee at info@sanmarinoaccessibletourism.com.